Kodály Based Musicianship
3860 A (Fall 2017)
3861 B (Winter 2018)
Dr. Cathy Benedict
Gabriela Ocadiz
Click here to view an end of year prezi presentation I made to the Western Theory Faculty
Student Websites- demonstrating work in class:
Danielle Di Piatrantonio
Carole Palattao
Ali Battersby
Adam Jahanghiri
Naomi Simpson
Ashley England
Marjia Ristic
Aylicia Baxter
Rachel Wohlmegut
Kelly Lin
Victoria Morrish
Michale Ippolito
Danielle Di Piatrantonio
Carole Palattao
Ali Battersby
Adam Jahanghiri
Naomi Simpson
Ashley England
Marjia Ristic
Aylicia Baxter
Rachel Wohlmegut
Kelly Lin
Victoria Morrish
Michale Ippolito
The Lollipop Group
Danielle flying through her exercises - check out the chord progressions near the end!
One can never have TOO MANY GOOD HOUSEWIVES! :)
Ali did this with great ease! I, on the other hand, took hours to get this in tune! Beautifully done, Ali!

Bela Bartók Ne menj el (Don't Leave Me) 2 part solfege Kodály Based Musicianship Fall 2017
Rachel Wohlgemut
Adam Jahanghiri
Rachel Wohlgemut
Adam Jahanghiri

First Annual Kodaly Based Musicianship sing along!
Adam and Naomi's recording of Classical Canons #34 Caldara
Focusing on moving from singing solfege to singing musically!
Naomi reflects and revisits as she sings through a Caldara Canon
Naomi reflects and revisits as she sings through a Caldara Canon
Ashley 2 hand rhythm exercise
Ali and Naomi improvising on a I chord - syn co pa practice
Hand signing and singing in canon: Ashley
Moving from major mode to minor or minor to major: Ali, Naomi, Kelly, Rachel
I absolutely understand that some music should not be broken down as exercises. But the goal of this particular exercise was to have them experience figuring out solfege to a 3-part folk song they might want to write out to teach. They are having to listen to chord structure as well - to use their ears. Even listening to this I notice that Naomi isn't convinced of the placement of the sol and fa - work to be done :)
Listening to each other, thinking together and making music together!
Class Assignment to compose, and then teach, using few verbal instructions, a canon in mixolydian. These are beautiful! Students will be finding text to add. Below is Naomi's composition (sung by Naomi) Singing this together in class was remarkable - one of those aesthetic moments where everyone is in this same glorious space - after which I asked, "Wasn't this feeling better than getting a grade?" To which she took too long to reply.... But then an email!
Hi Cathy,
Thank you for yesterday! I felt that you set up a supportive environment where I could experiment, discover, and grow. I learned so much more than I would have if I had received a grade.
It was an awesome learning experience, and I left class feeling engaged and excited about teaching! ☺
Hi Cathy,
Thank you for yesterday! I felt that you set up a supportive environment where I could experiment, discover, and grow. I learned so much more than I would have if I had received a grade.
It was an awesome learning experience, and I left class feeling engaged and excited about teaching! ☺
Billy Joe's Longest Time
Naomi Classical Canons Brahms #226